Уметност, позориште и култура

Face of Iron

548 речи, ~3 минута читања


О аутору

Luka Ilinčić студент ОАС Англистике
Face Scary / Image by Jody Davis from Pixabay



Somewhere amid those Carpathian winds

That so often weep their long-borne toils

Over serrated rock and green velvet,

There were among those grayest, like seeds

Planted that had never found light, whispers foiled

By fear telling a past that lingered still, severed

From memory and scarce for ears to hear


If undissuaded by forest paths that pass

Stony ruins with broken beams – lonely relics

Of a life once lived – and unmoved by sorrow,

Then one such heart, persistent in intrusion, crass

In manner, might catch the wind from shrivelled lips

Of a god that roamed once where hollow

The rain now echoes its land


Under sunlit moon did he only appear,

Weaved such magick afore faces drear

That the forest sang as it sings no longer

His beauty into melody, vain, yet stronger

Than any man's resolve to chaste –

To heart and flesh he laid waste


Like a bolt of lightning stuck in the ground,

No soul could escape the flash, the sound,

The roar of nature made serene,

Robed in starlight,

Robed in the stream


His eye was a water to the parched of mouth,

So he drowned all sorrow and hunger with his sight

Yet not for long could he evade the night –

A dark horseman came, stole him south,

Face clad in iron wonted drought


The dark horseman came,

The wind was mounted,

The sun was shame


He tried for good,

Yet it somehow waned,

So he stood at odds,

Awaiting pain


The face of iron

Hid the man

Who feared the storm,

Sword in hand


He built the walls

Over blighted land,

Yet water ran

Deeper than his command


And voice could never reach,

Though it tried

Its mask to breach


Face was clad in iron,

And so, he would never speak


These whispers still claim that this horseman remains,

Though this heart could nowhere see,

Concerned only with this enmity

To Reason, to uproot it from this ancient legacy

Of gods past and horsemen present –

It saw not that the moon was crescent,

That iron lightning had enfolded,

Or that the lips beside it were lost by the morning


It merely ventured further, losing something with the memory,

Failing to scatter seeds to the skies still storming,

And drought remained in the name of silence

Like a pylon unassuaged,

Kept clothing more faces

In iron

face , iron , poezija , poetry , studenti , поезија ,


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